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Enrollment & Registration

Power School Enrollment logo.

The online registration system (PowerSchool Enrollment) streamlines the process in a user-friendly way that promotes greater efficiency, organization, and records management. The system can be accessed anywhere that supports a digital device with an internet connection.

New Student Enrollment

What is needed for new student enrollment?

A parent/guardian living at the same address as the student must enroll the student and provide the following information:

  • Proof of Residence 
  • Birth Certificate
  • Social Security Card
  • Immunization Records 
  • The following is needed if a student attended a school in a previous school district:
    • Withdrawal Form/Grades 
    • Transcript (high school only)
    • Records from the previous school, if available

New Student Enrollment Links

2024-2025 Kindergarten Enrollment

2024-2025 New Student Enrollment

After completing online student enrollment, you may still be required to visit the school campus to provide the documents listed above, along with other documents, as needed by the school.  Please contact the school directly to inquire about their office hours, how they would accept documents, and when they would be able to have visitors on their campus.

Returning Student Registration

How do I get started?

Use the Parent Portal login using the same username and password used to register your account. If you forget your login info, click the "Forgot Username or Password?" link. You'll need the email address associated with your account to recover your username and/or password. 

PowerSchool Parent Portal

What if I do not have a Parent Portal Login?

Request a parent portal login from your child's school.

How do I register more than one student?

Your parent portal account will need to be linked to each student that you want to register. Once logged into the Parent Portal, you can click the student’s name and then click the Registration link at the bottom left of the page.

